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Roger Doss

Adult Bible and Lesson Study

Dr. Rob Sheppard and Pastor Pyle have been the alternating teachers in an adult Bible study group for several years at their home church in Arlington, Texas. Dr. Roger Doss joined the teaching rotation to round out the teaching rotation. Their cohesive understanding of the character of God is always reflected through their lesson presentations. Those who visit their class (Room #7) at the Arlington church always receive a warm welcome from the close-nit group of individuals. To see a listing of available downloadable Adult Bible Study lessons, Click Here.

Roger Doss

Bible Study Group

Beginning in 2003 for many years Pastor Pyle held a Friday night Bible study group in his home. During the first three years, the group studied whatever topic was suggested. This proved to be a wonderful, thought-provoking approach that resulted in no one wanting to end within the one-hour timeframe allotted.

In January, 2006 Dr. Sheppard joined as a co-presenter, and for over a year the group studied the 66 books of the Bible asking one question: “What does this tell me about the character of God”? It was during this year that the group really learned that God is the perfect standard of righteousness, and He will point out the things that separate us from Him. The group began to see how the acts of God that seem difficult and harsh in the Old Testament were done out of God’s loving desire to have a relationship with His people.

In January, 2007 Pastor Pyle took the group chapter-by-chapter through the Book of John. It was an exciting series and he received many heart-felt comments from the attendees.

In January, 2008 Pastor Pyle took the group through an in-depth, fascinating, thought provoking study of the book of Revelation. The book that is a Revelation of Jesus Christ. You will see a perspective of Revelation that you most likely have never heard before.

In 2009 the Friday night Bible study group began an informal discussion on the life of Christ in chronological order. What a wonderful, exciting, experience it was to contemplate Christ as man/God throughout His entire life. What a blessing this study was to all of us.

2010 the Friday night series was the Book of Acts. Go on-line to continue learning more about God’s love for each one of us.

To listen to the Friday Night Bible Study Group presentations, please Click Here to listen to the sessions.